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Walnut/Sesame Balls

By February 28, 2024 Recipes
Dog Treat
Many of the problems that your pet may experience are the direct result of the food they are eating. At Hopewell Animal Hospital we regularly see pets with respiratory problems, GI disturbances (diarrhea, constipation, inflammatory bowel), anxiety, lack of stamina, inflammatory or skin conditions, chronic conditions or pets who do not easily medicate or do “bodywork” (acupuncture or massage). For those pets, we have found they respond remarkably well to TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) food therapy. By utilizing our knowledge of food ingredients and their impact on health, Dr. Buchanan works closely with you create a personalized diet specific to the needs of your individual pet that will encourage their maximum health.
With those healing principles in mind, for #recipetuesday once a month we present to you a recipe to provide your dog or cat some easy, delicious food and treats!

Walnut/Sesame Ball Dog Treats


  • 2oz. (60g) Black Sesame Seeds
  • 2oz. (60g) Walnuts
  • 3-4 Tbsps (45-60ml) Honey**


  • Pan fry sesame seeds over medium/high heat in a dry pan for 2 to 3 minutes, until nutty, smell and seeds start to “jump”.
  • Remove seeds immediately to stop cooking.
  • If desired, pan, fry, walnuts, the same way until golden brown 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Put sesame seeds and walnuts in food processor, or use a mortar and pestle to crush until powdered.
  • Add honey and process to mix.
  • Mixture should hold together without crumbling, but not be “wet “.
  • Form into 1/2 inch (1 cm) balls for small dogs; 3/4 inch (1.5 c) balls for larger dogs and humans.
  • Place on wax paper or parchment paper.
  • Can refrigerate in warm weather or leave on the counter if cool.
  • Give 2 to 3 balls daily to tonify kidney, moisten lung, make shiney hair and soft ski, and to treat insomnia.

** Optional: leave out honey and feed as a powder; one to one and a half teaspoons daily for small dogs; 2 to 3 teaspoons daily for larger dogs and humans.


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