Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (or TCVM)- a part of Chinese Medicine, is a 2,500+ year old system of health maintenance that includes food, herbs, bodywork and acupuncture. At Hopewell Animal Hospital, we strongly believe there are more ways than one to address health issues. While we are well trained in conventional medicine, we understand that some disease processes lend themselves to treatment with other methods. Because of this need, we have expanded our training into other areas of medicine.
We at Hopewell Animal Hospital have undergone extensive training to interpret external signals and translate that information into a treatment plan. The treatments used in TCVM consist of multiple modalities such as acupuncture, herbology, tui-na (bodywork or massage), food therapy, and even lifestyle modification. All these components are used in combination as we attempt to restore balance. We strongly believe that TCVM is not only for sickness but can enhance wellness at any stage of life.
Learn more on our Fundamentals of TCVM page!