Perhaps one of the most common questions we are asked concerns quality of life and euthanasia. When is the right time? Is my pet in pain? Are they suffering? None…
Perhaps one of the most common questions we are asked concerns quality of life and euthanasia. When is the right time? Is my pet in pain? Are they suffering? None…
Perhaps one of the most common questions we are asked concerns quality of life and euthanasia. When is the right time? Is my pet in pain? Are they suffering? None…
In this week’s blog post we will look at the wonderful world of the internet. The internet has become a vital part of everyone’s lives. We use it for entertainment,…
Constipation and Acupuncture Lately we have been seeing a lot of patients with problematic constipation. While an occasional episode of mild constipation is not cause for alarm, in many…
There was an interesting article in the February issue of LabAnimal about the physiology of the Tenrec. The tenrec you say, what is a tenrec? These little guys are native to…
So last night we received a report of a puppy passing away from a parvo virus infection, the infection occurred at the Ulster county SPCA, we encourage all clients to…